Creating the vision

capturing hotel photography is an art.

A gifted photographer has a way of creating a photo that looks natural and effortless. Photographing luxury hotels and resorts requires an ability to not only capture the “feel” of a property, but its innate beauty as well. He needs to tell a story within the imagery, and create the essence of the experience. The product should sell the dream, not just the beds.

Can a photograph make truly that much of a difference?


Photography has a close relationship with psychology. The uniqueness of a photograph can evoke feelings, such as anxiety, fear, familiarity, comfort or reverence depending on the subject and object matter. Photography can have the effect of reflecting the soul and thoughts of the person photographing and photographed. A skilled composer creates feelings.

In the Blink of an Eye

In a world of fast-paced ads, social media and constant ebb and flow of information, it is more important then ever to pay attention to the speed at which a viewer can decipher a message about your brand. High quality, well composed photographs convey the story and concept of a brand quickly. Milliseconds. 13 milliseconds to be exact. That fastest speed that a brain can understand what they saw and make an unconscious decision whether to give it any more attention.

This means that you have to get it right. And Fast. Every single time. This should be taken into consideration when comparing agencies or photography teams. As with many things in life, you get what you pay for. Your imagery is worth the investment.

It may Not Be Sexy, but it’s impactful

As time marches on, things change. Sometimes these are subtle changes around the property, like changing the door locks to digital keys, or removing paper throughout the guest room to reduce your carbon footprint. These things may not be the sexiest items to photograph, but they are incredibly valuable to showcase and can resonate with your guests in different ways.

  • Technology — Especially a concern with the recent pandemic, showcasing smart keys to allow guests to skip the front desk is a huge benefit. The addition of bluetooth enable devices around a guest room will let the viewer feel a bit of home comfort and familiarity. Shoot it. High end espresso maker. Yep!

  • Destination & Attractions — There’s a reason why a traveler is coming to stay at your hotel. Whether it’s personal or business, they will most likely have some interaction with the surrounding area. Your competitors will use stock photography. Let them. It’s easy and cheap. This presents a great opportunity to set your brand and property apart. Destination photography can be overlooked by many, but the keen marketing teams will have their ear to the ground and take advantage of this.

  • Textures & Details - Taking standard informational photos of a property isn’t very difficult. Pick a corner, drop the tripod, clean up the room and snap. This is 80% of the work that is out there. Then there is the 15% that compose that angle to create lines and draw attention to elements. That’s fantastic. But it’s the 5% left over that is the essence. The mood board. The reason of choice. Detail shots of textures throughout the property communicate the ambiance. In the right hands, a bigger story can be told in a tighter photograph. Less is more.

  • 1% For The Planet — Guests are starting to pay attention to a hotel's environmental policies, such as how much water and energy they use or how much they recycle.

  • Health and wellness — The demographic of travelers these days has shifted and many embrace and seek out offers of health and wellness in there travels. Well-equipped spas, yoga studios and fitness centers, air purification systems, vitamin-infused shower water have become the norm. These are fantastic elements to showcase.

By creatively capturing these elements of a hotel or resort, a photographer can help generate new interest in your business.

A unique Photographer To Match your story

Nick Tortajada has photographed hotels and resorts around the world, and his experience working with a wide range of clients in various industries has made him uniquely qualified for exceptionally challenging projects. His team is willing to travel and shoot on location, and do whatever is necessary to capture the truly tell the story of your brand.

Inquire about your project today. 

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Hi! I’m Nick & Thanks for stopping by!! I have been fortunate enough to create a career that supports my two greatest passions in life: Photography and Outdoor Adventure. Use the links below to learn more, or feel free to contact me directly!


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